Celebrate with us at the 2024 Homecoming "It's A Family Affair" Weekend, October 27 to November 2! Discover the updated schedule here and secure your tickets here.

Satisfactory Academic Progress (maintaining eligibility)

For more information, review the SAP Policy and the SAP Application

Scholarship Retention Requirements

For more information, review Institutional Scholarships

Enrollment Status

A student’s enrollment status will be based on the number of hours for which they enrolled. In order to receive the full amount of federal and scholarship funding, a student must be enrolled full-time. Scholarships are unavailable for part-time students. For financial aid purposes, enrollment status is based on the following:

Enrollment Status




Fall, Spring and Summer

12 or more hours

6 to 11 hours


Students who receive federal aid funds must attend all courses to keep financial assistance. Failure to attend class could result in a reduction or cancellation of aid. A student could be required to repay some or all of their financial aid, and they could lose their eligibility for future financial assistance.

Repeated Coursework

Effective July 1, 2011, Federal Regulations specify that students may receive federal financial aid funding for one repetition of a previously passed course. A passed course for financial aid eligibility is defined as one in which a grade of A, B, C, D, or P is received.

Students will be allowed to receive aid for multiple courses labeled as ‘Special Topics’ as long as the course content differs. Course content will be verified with the Academic Colleges.

Resignation Policy for Wiley University

Review the Return to Title IV Policy to learn more about withdrawing from Wiley University will impact your Federal Financial Aid.

Staff Code of Conduct Policy

Staff members in the Division for Enrollment Services are bound to act in compliance with the vision outlined in our mission statement and the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrator’s Statement of Ethical Principles and Code of Conduct for Institutional Financial Aid Professionals.

  • No staff member shall accept any gift from a representative of a student loan provider. The Department of Education has defined “gift” as:

    • “Any gratuity, favor, discount, entertainment, hospitality, loan, or other item valued at more than a de minimus amount.

    • The term includes services, transportation, lodging, or meals, whether provided in kind, by purchase of a ticket, payment in advance, or by reimbursement.”

  • Staff will not participate in meals or refreshments from lenders.

  • Staff will not accept unsolicited marketing materials (such as pens, pads and markers) from lenders.

  • Office visits by representatives of major lenders are normally limited to twice a semester.

  • Staff members shall not accept any remuneration or expense-reimbursement for serving as a member of a lender’s advisory board. Staff may participate on advisory boards that are unrelated in any way to higher education loans.

  • No staff member shall accept any fee, payment, or other financial benefit as compensation for any type of consulting arrangement or contact to provide services from a representative of a student loan provider.

  • No staff member shall request or accept any offer of funds for private loans including funds for an opportunity pool loan from a representative of a student loan provider. The Department of Education has defined “opportunity pool loan” as:

    • “A private education loan made by a lender to a student (or the student’s family) that involves a payment by the institution to the lender for extending credit to the student.”

  • Wiley University does not currently require staff to complete and submit financial disclosure forms as a condition of employment. All staff members in the Division for Enrollment Services will disclose to his or her immediate supervisor if an assigned task could create a perceived or real “conflict of interest” in the eyes of the public.

  • Wiley University does not have a revenue-sharing arrangement with any student loan provider. These agreements are prohibited.

  • Lender account representatives are not permitted to work within the Division for Enrollment Services or to pass themselves off as employees of the University.

  • Wiley University is committed to educating our families and students on loan products and services available. We take pride in knowing that we’ve selected lenders based on specific criteria that will ensure students and families get quality loan products and customer service that meet their needs. Every student has the right to use a lender and guarantor of his/her choice. We have reviewed the current Wiley University Lender Partner List and feel that our Lender Partners continue to provide products and services in the best interest of our students. Based on regulations, we are required to review information for any lender that expresses an interest to become a part of this Lender Partner List, and we will do so on a case-by-case basis.

  • Staff who knowingly fail to follow these guidelines will be subject to disciplinary action.